Feature Feature

Meet My Neighbor Productions is currently working on a “City Grown STL” Episode. Our goal is to feature city farms each year. Because these farms are smaller several farms will be hosted in each video. For 2021 we chose the Gateway City, Saint Louis....
Missouri Life Feature: Growing A Movement

Missouri Life Feature: Growing A Movement

Tyrean “Heru” Lewis plants seeds for change in north St. Louis What started as a simple trip to the grocery store has morphed into a calling for Tyrean “Heru” Lewis. Heru wanted to buy some fresh produce, but he was appalled at the selection and quality of the fruits...
Heru Urban Farming receives $50,000 from UMSL

Heru Urban Farming receives $50,000 from UMSL

ST. LOUIS – Heru Urban Farming will continue feeding families in food deserts, thanks to a $50,000 grant from the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Owner Tyrean “Heru” Lewis tells us about his mission to help underserved families have fresh and organic produce. He...